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Para cabelos sem volume…

Para cabelos sem volume…


border zpszwv9ytek - Confessions of a Shopaholic TBDjamievolume copy - Confessions of a Shopaholic …eis aqui a solução. Mais uma vez o The Beauty Department ajuda-nos a conseguir um cabelo com volume e sem grande esforço. Sigam as dicas da Jamie Chung: 

“Tools: volumizer (talk to your hairstylist + ask what they recommend for your hair type!), blow dryer, rubber band, medium velcro rollers, 1″ curling iron, setting clips or big bobby pins, teasing comb or teasing brush, light to medium hold hairspray.

1: Add a non-sticky volumizer to your root. Blow dry hair upside down.

2: Put all of your hair up in a quick bun (doesn’t matter what it looks like). This is the time to do your makeup because it will give the hair time to cool while directed upward which creates MAXIMUM volume.

3: Once hair has cooled, take it down and roll the center section in velcro rollers. I recommend rolling them backwards.

4: Using your 1″ curling iron, curl the remainder of your hair “up and back” as you see Jamie doing in #4.

5: Continue curling pieces all the way around and setting them in silver setting clips or with large bobby pins.

6: Allow the hair to set for about 5 more minutes before taking everything down. This is a good time to get dressed while the hair is up and out of your way!

7: Take everything down out of the clips. Slowly pull out the velcro rollers. I like to brush the hair lightly to bring out the fullness of the curl.

8. Curl the top pieces from the velcro rollers just the same as the rest to blend. Curl “up and back” by wrapping the hair on the outside of the iron.

9: Tease the crown a little. This will add volume and break up the curl a little bit. (If you don’t want your curl broken up as much, you can tease the hair before one step earlier before doing #8).

10: Mist with a light veil of hairspray and enjoy!”


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